Who is Afraid of AI?
With the writer's, copywriter's, journalist's and the artist's world being turned upside down by the unsettling efficiency of Chat-GPT and its successive versions, the need to take a break from Travel Diaries to ponder over my own role as the one who also dwells in such domains has precipitated a natural pause. The power and the speed of this new tool was brought home to me recently during our mom's eightieth birthday celebration. My oldest sis came up with the idea to prepare a hand-bound booklet, where all of our mom's offsprings, grandchildren, son-and-daughter-in-laws had the opportunity to dedicate a poem, painting or prose to commemorate her life. Interestingly, and to everyone 's great surprise, the longest poem, neatly stanzaed with aabb rhyme pattern was churned out by one of her techie grandkids. Unable to bear the burden of much undue admiration, he landed up confessing, "I didn't write it, Chat GPT did". Just by feeding his grand...