A Flaming Evanescence

let the burden of
time be mine with
its grace and its
aches and pains
and pardonable
forgetfulness: lo
i embrace the
emptiness and the
sound of water
dripping from the
bathroom tap...the
buzz of a mozzy by
my toes, and even the 
breathless heat. i am
finally here and now:
the eyes take in the 
leaning sky and gently 
nudge the sleepy clouds
stacked like pancakes:
the sound of soft rains 
falling on the cashew 
leaves fill the ears; wet 
earth and children running
through the red mud:
imprints of sweet laughter 


it is the opaque silence
of a passing shadow
which coerces my glance
skyward: lo, a flock of
birds, and a leaf falling


our eyes locked
briefly in the early
stirrings of the morn:
a moment of recognition
darted off in the wormhole
of pale green irises: a little
black cat and its 
embryonic shadow.


Vishwajyoti said…
Splendidly captured moments!

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