The Beckoning...
The tug of the night carries my feet up to the hotel terrace. The sky has stooped and clings timidly to the parapet. Someone, something beckons quietly, across the expanse of eternity...Is it the flapping wings of the gulls on the nocturnal leg of their long journey ? Or is it a shooting star: quick, silent and fulfilling, a moment in the livery of lighthood? Surprise awaits me in the form of a host of flitting fireflies, glinting and glimmering, albeit spasmically. The silence is heightened by the presence of two women whispering to each other in a language I do not understand. Gratitude fills my being.
Fireflies flicker, burnishing
the presence of two women
sitting cross-legged, their
voices susurrant against
the sloping sky where the
moon needles its way across
a gold-rimmed storm cloud;
the sound of ocean, and the
swaying murmurations of sea
breeze hijack the shadowy
flight of the night as it slices
the darkness into luminous bits.
A memory long lost hesitantly
crosses the path, caressing my
cheek, brushing past my eyes
making me trip and fall and lo
here I lie on a bed of dew-drops
amongst a scatter of wayward
dreams clinging to the morning