Manifesting Love

In the early morning light the old woman gathers flowers to offer to the gods. "The lush hibiscus here is for blessings, the tufted gardenia for purity/silver, calendula for happiness/gold...for health the gorgeous amaltas, and the marigold is for surrender."
"But, gracious lady", the young eyes implore, "which one is for love?"
"Ah, my sweet child! Don't you see they are all solely expressions of Love?"


Lia said…
Oh! So sweet! This is really being in the moment, seeing and feeling. Such a happy, sweet poem and blog!
Kamalini said…
A reminder of how love manifests through everything done with kindness and offered with compassion. Every flower, every bough, every gaze and every touch then is love. Thank you for this timeless beauty offered via this utterly lovely poem.

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