

write to me
with the spume
and spray of
the rumbling 
ocean; write to 
me with the 
susurrant gold
of barley fields 
swaying in the 
wind; write to 
me with the 
soft smudge 
of the inky 
clouds hovering 
over a lonely 
porch; write to 
me with the 
cool breath of a
winter morning
leaning against 
bay windows 
wanting to 
sneak in under 
the warmth of 
an old quilt
write to me with 
twilight silence 
clamped over 
the silhouette of
the tall sycamore
in your backyard;


Lia said…
Wow! Such a poem! I felt like I was transported to that place. I felt it with such feeling...
Sofie said…
Wow! What a poem! Your writings are pleasures of an intimate scale. This is so beautiful. The poem sings like song.
Anonymous said…
Wow! This is so beautiful!!
Kamalini said…
Oh my! i absolutely must put music to this, and i shall 👌🏽🌟 utterly delicious poetry
Radhika Mimani said…
It is intimately beautiful... Love the flow of your thoughts and words

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