A summer of cricket, elections, yelps and thuds

Summering in colours

"Just look at Du Plessis's magic, guys! Rescuing RCB from the jaws of defeat and possible elimination"...

Thundering applause drowns the stadium. Camera catches many flashy smiles whose brightness could very well match the forty above temperature burning up the garden city. But then there are those with their exclamative 'oh nos' hidden away behind cupped hands. Lenses zoom in on them with elegant professional cruelty.

Ah, how liberating it must be to lose oneself in the momentum, the swing of the bat, the spin of the cork, the euphoria of the spectators...find yourself somewhere in the myriad expressions of the sea of strangers...Waves after waves of them.

As a family in the thrall of IPL, India's premier cricket league, we indulge in petty in-house betting and on-the-house iced tea, trying hard to sneak past the sultry summer with its heat and dust. In vain do the eyes search the skies for unwarranted leniency, some faint plume of cloud led astray. Crow pheasants knock constantly against the emptiness of our days. The wall-clock, like an aging geisha trudges grudgingly with no apparent hurry to reach anywhere. 

Someone is listening to Miles Davis' Bitches Brew with headphones on. His eyes are glued to the tv screen, though one can sense that he is not watching it. Outside, the cashew tree sighs. A few more soft thuds unburden the tree of its harvest. 

Mme. is nowhere here. She watches and listens, sees and hears, all through an engulfment of silence. The phone rings. They talk about spinach ravioli in garlic sauce and cheesy beetroot cutlets, and the possibility of having a polarizing government being voted in for the third term in the same breath as the bullying arbitrariness of house-helps. It is her sister. 

The dog next door begins to yelp. He is in dire need of companionship. The owners leave him at home and go off galavanting in Sputnik cafés and strange tropical mansions full of imported liqueurs and unread books. He sits around in the foliaged courtyard riddled in tribulation. 

"Oh, what a brilliant performance by Fraser! Sixer after sixer...You know he is only 22?.." 

The country stands sharply divided at the ballot box, but IPL unites us in our love for cricket. Who invented cricket? The British. 

Et tu, Brute? Traitor, anti-nationalist, unpatriotic beast!

The yelp.

A thud.


The phone rings again


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