Through The Kohled Eyes

To be in this moment is to breathe deep the piquant sun, to have the summer air astir with the flight of butterflies, bulbuls and sunbirds gently wash over...and to be led by the vagrant fragrance of wild mogras and  lantanas. Today eyes do not search anything : not stray feathers, nor kumquats or cowpea blossoms. Today they walk along silently, poised in restfulness. A rufus treepie calls...a crow pheasant answers. Leaves twirl, falter, get trapped in spider webs and so sway a bit longer before falling to the ground.


cascading shadows 
laugh, tickle the wind 
as it washes over them
whispering who knows 
what, but the birds might-
butterflies inebriated 
with light seek nectar
from pulsating darkness 
of summer blossoms


an owl splinters the evening 
with its silent flight into a
million shards of soundless
sounds, red moon rises spilling 
gold onto the darkling folds of 
the slouching twilight;  Vesper 
pale and alone moves westward
leaving in its wake a flash of
silver, a shooting star, crickets 
jingling, fireflies twinkling...
did I make a wish? 
did i dance the music? 
did I hum the dance? did you?


Sofie said…
This is again so beautiful to read and to dive deep into your world of observation and emotion. Thanks a lot for sharing your work! With love from Ghent, Belgium. S.
Anonymous said…
This reads like poetry in motion. Brilliant.
Kamalini said…
so so ripe with a myriad songs, romance & nature. Utterly alive.

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