The Trillionaire Solution


As a country, we embark on a new mission, a common cause to unite us all and reclaim our lost ancient splendour. Its aim: to ensure we produce the first trillionaire of the world. Wouldn’t it only be fair that the land that introduced the concept of `zero’, should be the one to flaunt so many of them at once? Certainly, it is not a `Mission Impossible’ either. For, as per a recent report published by Dubai-based Informa Connect Academy, while Tesla CEO Elon Musk is all set to become the first trillionaire of the world by 2027, our very own Gautam Adani stands the chance to follow suit by the year 2028.

This is great news, and yet we can make it even more impactful by helping Mr Adani breast the tape in this `wealth' race to become the first trillionaire. Imagine the kind of tsunami it would create in the world, the headlines that would dominate the international media, the prestige we would glean from the global community!

So, as the citizens of Bharat that is India, it is our patriotic obligation and primary duty to extend our whole-hearted support to Mr Adani, and therefore to our holy motherland to accomplish this task. Haven't the revered gurus of India often spoken about the need to harmonize materialism with spirituality in order to fulfil her glorious destiny? This is our opportunity. Let's put all our national resources behind this industrialist tycoon, favoured not only by 1.3 billion gods, but by PM Modi himself. Let's devoutly entrust unto him not only our ports and airports, power and desalination plants as well as media, but also the remaining stretches of forest reserves, coal and diamond mines and ocean bounty.  Let us then urge our government to open a new PMO account for the public to donate generously in order to expedite the process.  From the garbage-collection staff of the local municipalities working for as little as $2 a day to those in IT industry bagging as much as $200 on a daily basis, to contribute towards this daunting endeavour should fall within the purview of every citizen of this nation. 

Imagine what an inspiring story Mr Adani's life would make on PM’s monthly telecast of Man ki Baat (Talk from the heart) Imagine the hope it would endow upon all those ragged street-children! Imagine the deafening `Yes, we can!" cry that would ring across the country, as every unemployed youth’s chest would thrust forth with pride.  A mission of such magnitude is bound to put us  back on track and herd us towards precipitous heights…

…from where we can take a jump!

Come children, let us dream.




Vishwajyoti said…
Who won - sarcasm or criticism?! I think it was a draw!! 😆
Anonymous said…
Makes my blood boil too….how blind can one be ?

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