Paul Klee and I

A book on Paul Klee and his paintings was one of the most thoughtful gifts I received on my birthday from my son Dhani. The gift came accompanied by a comment which catapulted me into the realm of unfounded egotistical bliss, "something of his work reminds me of you", he said as I pulled the book out off the gift-wrap. "Really?" disbelief and exhilaration ran simultaneously in my veins. Of course, I had admired Paul Klee for several reasons, but mainly it was the spontaneity and joy permeating his paintings which had appealed to me the most. Needless to say I felt terribly flattered. Yet, honestly speaking, the similarity between Paul Klee and I began and ended with both Klee and I willingly disregarding our own passions to homeschool the child we had brought forth into this world. Yes, believe it or not, while Klee's wife enjoyed a full-fledged musical career, the painter decided to be a stay-at-home dad to bring up their son Felix. He donned on the role of a ...