Paul Klee and I

A book on Paul Klee and his paintings was one of the most thoughtful gifts I received on my birthday from my son Dhani. The gift came accompanied by a comment which catapulted me into the realm of unfounded egotistical bliss, "something of his work reminds me of you", he said as I pulled the book out off the gift-wrap. "Really?" disbelief and exhilaration ran simultaneously in my veins. Of course, I had admired Paul Klee for several reasons, but mainly it was the spontaneity and  joy permeating his paintings which had appealed to me the most. Needless to say I felt terribly flattered. Yet, honestly speaking, the similarity between Paul Klee and I began and ended with both Klee and I willingly disregarding our own passions to homeschool the child we had brought forth into this world. Yes, believe it or not, while Klee's wife enjoyed a full-fledged musical career, the painter decided to be a stay-at-home dad to bring up their son Felix. He donned on the role of a homemaker in an era where men were  treated like lord-and-master and would not even lift a finger when it came to raising a family. It was only much later in life, did he become a full-time artist.

Following are a few of his paintings accompanied by the verses they inspired me to write:

Painting: Red Balloon by Paul Klee

riding on a 
balloon, it 
soars above 
the din of
town: yet 
another day
escaping from
the grasp of 

Villa R

today the full moon 
has flung its flaming
tongue lapping up the
path that curves past
the old castle: Villa 
R they call it. haunted
by whispers which
descend upon it
ever so often from 
the mountains yonder, 
it stands on the edge
cocooned within 
the cracks of time

A Day in the Forest 

a shallow pool
a solemn trance of 
stone-bound ripples;
the long whistle of
a night thrush pierces
it all, beading the 
scattered fragments
of this and that
into coiled up silence

P.s. December 18th marked the 145th birth anniversary of Paul Klee


Vishwajyoti said…
What a thoughtful and beautiful gift. And of course the compliment was the rummyfied chocolate icing on the cake. But yes, I too don't see similarities between his and your works.
Anonymous said…
Your poetry makes me lightheaded & ponderous all at once. Love the simplicity of Klee captured in poetic stance by you, my friend 💗How beautifully you share Seema! Love that Dhani gifted you something to be treasured forever more. Keep writing!
nima said…
Beautiful. You always stun me with your poems.

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