

swirling silence 
of a moonless night:
a heart wrenched
out of its orbit and 
hurled to feed the
immortals: like vultures
they feast upon it 
delighting in the 
ambrosial juices of
its passion and pain. 
then it shuts; the
seas slide back


from the bottom of a
pool, stillness of the 
reeling stars stare back:
grasses lean closer 
grazing past infinite 
spaces: swishing
sibilance in silence 


that long long path
who has trodden it?
may be an animal
following the scent
nosing out a trail...
a path that runs through 
no man's land: rough-hewn
scarred, in a fight with itself 
with shadows that trespass it
endanger its solitude...
A path that runs over 
moors and into the woods, 
towards disentangling spaces 
it meanders all day, at night, 
over a creek it dips, listens...
reposing at last on the woof and 
warp of unraveling silence


Anonymous said…
Beautiful painting. Picture of calm.
Kamalini said…
Powerful & intense was 1; then as always, your imageries fire up the heart’s vacant spaces & fill them up with your paints & vision. Such a gift you have Seema!

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