In the Long Reaches of the Sky

K yewee...its nasal call sets the crown chakra in motion. Curtains flutter. Breath focuses on itself. But, the feet, overcome by impatience, scuttle down the stony path...Eyes search the firmament. Wings spread, there it goes, a Brahminy kite, skimming across the faint sliver of the crescent moon. A momentary splintering of the gossamer vision, and lo, a scatter of silver, and the air is astir with glinting flecks of light. Just a bit more than a dot really, it calls again, cruising majestically. My own auditory capabilities surprise me. "How can I hear something so far away, when often enough I am ridiculed for not being able to hear what those in close proximity are saying", I wonder. The chestnut colored legendary raptor circles the heights, dispersing the blue across the deepening layers of the celestial vault. Kyewee...another call sails in from the east. A new entrant flying at a lower altitude, makes itself palpable against the splash of cerulean in my irises. Its wi...