Tea Break


painted on handmade paper with black tea 

a cup of tea
spells both
and solitude
dialogue and
a conversation
with oneself 
and a conversation
with tea: often
the two merge. in
tea circles they call
it brewing


Sofie said…
So touched by this beautiful poetic post and painting. Delicate and brave. It brings me back into your sweet company, offering your jing jang cups filled with amazing coloured home-brewed teas. Thanks for this post and for the heartwarming moments of togetherness.
Lisa p2020 said…
seconding that ... Seema is tea. Both the art and soul of it.
Bahot khoob, be it reflecting, be it pondering, be it tea-ing.
Anonymous said…
Tea. Beautiful poem
Rachna said…
Beeutiful ❤️
Vali said…
Beautiful, merci
anita said…
loved it, time for tea!!!
Lia said…
I just finished my evening cup of tea as I read this.
This is EXACTLY how a cup of tea FEELS...

So beautifully captured. One of my favourite things in life. Thank you

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